Community Agriculture
Its aim is to encourage communities in growing their own food, improving their diets and food security.
With this community project our aim is to train novice gardeners and lead to increased employment in food production, manufacturing and distribution.
- Food and nutrition security
- Research and innovation
- Strengthen capacity
and skills development
in the agricultural
industry - Empowerment—
opportunity of SMME
Development - Agri-Business hubs
for enterprise and
supplier development
(ESD’S) - Skill development for
to innovate best

Creation of safe space in pursuit of knowledge and inspired by the supportive environment and surroundings.
Enhancement of personal and professional development. Support for student’s emotional needs and encouraging self-expression and dialogue in
various issues which affect social, health, environmental and spiritual cohesion.
- Social Health awareness
- Pastoral grooming center
- Intergeneration for CBOs, FBOs, African Traditional groups and other interest groups.
- Environmental and community conservation.
- Dialogues on matters affective boy child, such as (Ulwaluko)initiation, patriarchy, anti-GBV, etc.
- WIL (Women in Leadership) — Advancing girl’s rights and development of global leaders.
Promotion of sports activities, spiritual, artistic, intellectual and cultural talents. Fostering of partnerships with like-minded individuals,
organizations and private institutions for opportunities that would liberate our young people’s minds and communities at